Posted in Advertising, Business Development, Marketing, Small Business Solutions, Writing

I’m Sick of My Message

Picture 2Countless times in a week I hear the chant “I’m sick of my marketing message”.  On and on it goes, plaguing business owners and creeping into their minds like a bad 80s hair band song you just can’t release. But here’s the thing, I don’t try to make them feel better, I only make it worse by saying things like …

“How long have you been using your message?”

“Have you been running your ad more than once?”

“Do you use the same communication messages across all advertising vehicles?”

Let’s just say 9 times out of 10 the answer isn’t “yes”.

Why is it important to broadcast my marketing message?

Your audience suffers from first-time hearing loss. Did you know that the human brain only processes 5% of the information it receives? It’s true. So think of how many times you need to state your case in order for the “benefits” of your product/service to actually sink into their thick head.

Here are some Tactics for Getting Your Brand Heard:

Repetition – It takes at least 3 impressions before people begin to remember your brand/message. Don’t know what I mean? Think about some of those commercials you see/hear on TV that you just can’t forget.  (i.e. commercials )

Consistency – Saying the same message over and over builds trust and memorable interaction. Although they’ve had many variations to advertising, memorable companies always end their commercials, print ads and direct mail campaigns with the same tag line. While I am sure most of the advertising execs that work on their company’s marketing efforts are sick of the tag, they’re glad it’s around because their target customer already knows what it is.  (i.e. Nike- ”Just Do It”)

Understanding – Know who it is you’re talking to and what needs are being met with your product or service. Does your product or service make life easier for your target marketing? Do people look to you to solve their problems? Are you looking for ways to make things easier for your customers? If you’re searching for ways to help your clients you are half way there. If you’re telling them about the steps you’re making to get there, you are probably already reaping the rewards. If not, think about how you can communicate these options to your target market in a way that gets them into your store or picking up the phone.  (i.e. Apple iPhone)

Keep thinking about ways to get your message out there. I would love to hear your ideas, please share.

Happy Messaging!

Sarah @ Dog-Eared Pages

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