Posted in Advertising, Business Development, Marketing, Small Business Solutions, Uncategorized, Writing

The New Year and the New You

So we’re halfway through the month of January and many of us have already forgotten our “resolutions”.  And while some will focus on the fact that they “failed” already I say, start a new resolution. My motto this year, celebrate life’s small victories and yes, pat yourself on the back, daily. And if you make the sale you’ve been trying to land for the last 3 months, go out and celebrate. It’s okay to do something nice for yourself. You do it for your clients all the time.

It’s Time to CELEBRATE! 

I’m sure you’re asking yourself,  what does that have to do with business, marketing and a whole lot of words? Well if you don’t have a positive “glow” when you meet people at a networking event, or much less when you sell your product or service, do you honestly believe people are going to seek you in the future? Now I am not trying to sound like Pretty Mary Sunshine, but what I am encouraging you to do is follow a few tried and true tips that can get you to 2010 on top of your game and out preforming those around you.

Tips for a Positive Spin on Your Biz for 2009

1) Network with the right people– So many people ask me how I meet my clients. Nine times out of ten, it’s through a networking event or a mutual friend. One of the largest stumbling blocks many of my clients face is not having a specific niche to target. If you’re going to network, know who your ideal customer is and go for it. And once you develop that relationship-Celebrate (picking up a theme here?)

2) Give of yourself and your time- There are many organizations out there that need your help. See if there is something your business can do to help them flourish. One of my dear friends just attended a planning meeting for a local charity himself and has an interesting look on how giving of oneself can make a positive impact on their life. Celebrate giving to others and spend time “making their day”.

3) Work smarter, not harder– Identify 2-3 things that you could be doing now that would make your job/business more effective or efficient. Now act. Find a resource, a talented person to hire or process that can implemented to help your cause. If you don’t know where to turn for help, here’s an article from IBM that lists a few ideas. Celebrate fixing 2-3 items that make your business/job work more effectively.

4) Learn from others and mentor those who need a helping hand – I am constantly amazed at the amount of helpful tips, referrals and constant cheering on I receive from my former co-workers, current clients and networking gurus (meet my friend Shawn Kinkade-he’s amazing at this!). My feeling on it is this, if you receive a tip or a referral, give 2-3 tips/referrals to others. Besides the fact that it is just a good business practice to foster, it also places you in a position to be a resource for someone who might just be starting out on their own, beginning a new job or even new to the area. Haven’t we all been in at least one of those places ourselves, wishing there was someone out there to bounce ideas, thoughts and processes off of? Give to others of yourself, you’ll be amazed how good it will make you feel. Here’s a list of some of the greatest entrepreneurs out there, many of which consider mentoring very vital to a business’ success. Celebrate the success of others and your hand in their success.

If this list seems overwhelming, just try one of the ideas, you’ll be amazed how easy it is to implement and it will “resolve” your need to feel bad about a resolution you haven’t met. Do something great in 2009!

Happy Resolving-

Sarah @Dog-Eared Pages

Posted in Advertising, copywriting, Marketing, Writing

Does Your Biz Card Work For You?

Here’s the senerio, you’re at a “networking event” and you’re approached by a fellow competitor who asks for your business card.  If you’re like many people I talk to, you reluctantly take out your card, hand it to them, hoping to hear, “wow that’s a great card.” Most of the time let’s face it, putting yourself out there on a piece of paper isn’t easy. 

So why do many people cut corners when it comes to business cards? After all, this is the first impression many potential clients have of your business. Think about giving out your card this way. As the recipient puts the card in their pocket, they now have a tangible impression that they can hang onto and refer to when needing an expert. So what you have to say and how you say it better be memorable.

What makes a card stand out? Yesterday I was at a networking event and collected a few cards and I also threw in some cards I have picked up recently. Take a look at what I found.


Biz card collection Sept. 08
Biz card collection Sept. 08

As you can see the cards that stand out the most are:

  • colorful, have photos or eye-catching graphics
  • have a different shape, incorporating rounded corners
  • provide a clear vision statement (as a writer this is the first thing I look for-yes I am that geeky)

Now I understand that in some industries this color/unique shape is an easier sell than others. For instance, if you focus on a highly corporate target market, a card that is purple with a flying pink pig, might not be a good idea. But that’s just it.  It’s not just the design, it’s getting your brand out there. Who are you? What do you do? Is that clearly stated on your card?   At the end of the day, does your card pass the trash test?

Need some inspiration? Check out Flicker!  Or if you have the design already in you mind you can create some unique cards at Moo!

Happy Card Creating!

Share your cards with me, I’d love to see what you create to make a lasting impression!