Posted in Advertising, copywriting, Marketing, marketing in a down economy, Small Business Solutions, Writing

Give Me A C. How About 4?

Enjoy A Poolside Read!

This week has been nuts. Partly because only 4 work days existed and partly, cause I am just busy. So this week, the blog looks a bit sad. With that I owe you, my faithful readers, an interesting article. This week I discovered an article about How Sustainability Marketing can help in a recession. Learn about the  4 C’s of sustainable communication!

Take a read, hopefully while you’re sitting poolside!

Happy Smart Marketing-

Sarah @ Dog-Eared Pages

Posted in Advertising, Business Development, copywriting, Marketing, Small Business Solutions

Defining The Biz Social Media Space


Lately, I have been doing a lot of reading concerning the Social Media Landscape. In the last two days I have found a couple of articles that small business owners should read. The first, reported on, is about what you should and shouldn’t say on your Facebook, LinkedIn and various other “social” sites from a business perspective. I am all about people having personality, their own flare and unique selling points-that’s what makes the world go ’round, this just gives you some guidelines on how to do that.

I also, ran across this article,sent to me from Ad Age, and I thought it was worth passing on to you. If you’re wondering what all the buzz is about Social Media, here’s a great example of how many ad agencies are approaching the subject. One thing that is worth noting are the case studies that are included in the article. 

Happy Social Media Construction!

Sarah @Dog-Eared Pages

Posted in Advertising, Business Development, copywriting

Super Bored?

photoOkay so I get it, last night was the Super Bowl and as a marketing professional, I am supposed to have some comment on the commercials that filtered themselves between the clash of two teams. Since everyone is looking for my opinion, I thought instead I would ask yours and post your comments for my readers to see this week. Here’s a link to all of the Super Bowl ads (from Ad Age). Tell me your top three favorites and at the end of the week I will post the results. It’s a great break from a typical Monday. 


Sarah @Dog-Eared Pages

Posted in Advertising, Marketing, Uncategorized

Music Makes the Difference

I was reading an interesting article this morning that caught my eye and I thought it was worth sharing with you. In today’s edition of Ad Age, writer Charlie Moran details the most memorable and questionable soundtrack choices for television commercials of 2008. One is for Mac another for Target and of course there are many others.

Yet the thing that caught my eye, and ears for that matter,  is the fact that I instantly recognized the music-hats off to the creatives on each team. Besides the fact that I am a commercial junkie, I thought this was an interesting compilation of music and wanted share it with you.

Think of it as a different selection from your normal Manic Monday playlist. 

Have a great week-

Sarah @ Dog-Eared Pages